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1939 The Popular Educator, Worlds Greatest Literature - Yr 2 - 4 Binders 24 issu

Regular price $94.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $94.00 USD
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4 Binders with 6 issues in each -

good condition, especially for age. Self-Learning Lessons covering great Literary works

Binder 1 -

Second Year - 1939 - No 1, No 2, No 3, No 4, No 5, No 6
1: With Malice Toward Some, Love Letters, Heloise and Abelard, Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, Erasmus' in Praise of Folly, Gilbert Parker's Right of Way, HG Wells Time Machine, Shakespeare, Emerson, Thoreau, Catullus, Mendel, Browne, Malthus
2: Laughing Boy, La Farge, Rousseau's Confessions, Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter, Darwin's Origin of Species, Apuleius Cupid and Psyche, gautier's maupin, Frankline, Goldsmith, Plato, Stevenson, A Kempis, Thomson
3: Karl Marx's Capital, Gustave Falubert's Madame Bovary, Canfield's the Brimming Cup, Conrad Aiken, De QUindcey's Opium-Eater, Marcus Aurelius, Bunyan, Cardinal Newman, Tennyson, Defoe, Haeckel, Cicero Pepys
4: The Last Puritan, Dicken's Pickwick Papers, Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Locke's Human Understanding Lord Byron's Don Juan, Herodotus, Mrs Hutchinson, Lady Montagu Cobbett, Moore, Taylor, Hakluyt, Griffin, George, Eliot
5: Main Street, Sinclair Lewis, Milton's Paradise Lost, Cellini's Autobiography, Conrad Aiken, New Poems, Carlyle, Aeschylus, Descartes, Xenophon, Fielding, Cavendish, Spencer, Chesterfield, Gay, Law
6: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Boswell's Life of Johnson, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Plato, Steegmuller, Flaubert, Haeckel, Walpole, Burke, Bagehot, Sterne, Hume

Binder 3

- Second Year No 13, No 14, No 15, No 16, No 17, No 18
13: Mind in the Making, Dante's Divine Comedy, Huckleberry Finn, The Peloponnesian War, Bronte's Jane Eyre, Chambers, Bacon, Milton, Cook, Gaskell, Conrad, Paley, Gregory, Scott, Loti
14: Green Light Doublas, Freud's Psycho-Analysis, Goncourts' Renee Mauperin, Buddhist Scriptures, Thackeray, Ouida, Sophocles, Lyell, Steel, Campbell, Carlyle, Dickens, Cicero, Cook, Arnold
15: Thackeray's Vanity Fair, The Books of Hinduism, Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, Mill, Congreve, Collingwood, Hay, Daudet, Ruskin, Lytton, Gaskell, Froissart, Davy , Herschel
16: The Odyssey, Much Ado About Nothing, Wealth of Nations, Aesop, Frances Frost, The Green Bay Tree, John Duns Scotus, John Calvin Instutues of the Christian Religion, The Compleat Angler, Robert Burns, John Gibson Lockhart, The Black Tulip - Alexander Dumas, W E H Lecky, The Adventures of ROderick Random TObias Smollett, Montaigne
17: The Causes of War, Bronte's Wuthering Heights, Swift's Gulliver's Travels, Spencer's Principles of Biology, Guizot, Burton, Corneille, Shelley, Carlyle, Rossetti, Griffin, Eliot, The Talmud, Scott
18: Anthony Adverse, Dicken's Barnaby Rudge, Swinburne's Poems, Fox, Swift, Racine, Thackeray, Smollett, griffin, Mighell, Dampier, Roland, Faraday, Mitfort, Dallam, Irving, The Vedas

Binder 7 -

Second Year No 37, No 38, No 39, No 40, No 41, No 42
37: Accountancy, American History, Anthropology, Archaeology, bible History, Biology, Botany, Business English, Drama, Engineering, English History, English Language, English Literature, Geography, Greek, History, Ancient and Medieval, Interior Decorating, Italian, Journalism, Mnemonics, Modern European History, Penmanship, Phonetics, Physical Geography, Physiology and Anatomy, Politics, Shorthand, Social History, Spanish, Zoology
38: Aeronautics, Art and Architecture, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Drawing and Design, Economic Geography, Economics, Engineering, English History, English LIterabure, Eurythmics, French< Geography, Geology, German, Latin, Law, Mathematics, Money, Music, Philology, Philosophy, Photography, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Shorthand, Social History, Writing and Rewriting, Zoology

Binder 9 -

Second Year No 49, No 50, No 51, No 52, No 53, no 54 (index)

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